De Groot Law
T +31 (0)20 470 2610
M +31 (0)6 21542389

De Groot Law

De Groot Law specializes in arbitration, litigation and commercial contracts. In 1981 Diederik de Groot was admitted to the Dutch Bar. In 2015, Diederik de Groot retired from the international partnership of DLA Piper and started his own law firm, De Groot Law. Diederik has extensive experience of over 40 years as a lawyer. He has been a partner in the law firms of Baker & McKenzie, Schut & Grosheide and DLA Piper. At DLA Piper, he was primarily engaged in the firm’s international dispute resolution practice. He has a proven track record in international arbitration, both as arbitrator and counsel. As an independent arbitration lawyer, he is available to accept appointments in addition to acting in an advisory capacity. Moreover, his broad and in-depth legal and business experience qualifies him to give strategic advice as special counsel in complex commercial transactions and disputes.

On 31 December 2023, Diederik de Groot retired from the Dutch Bar. Therefore, he no longer qualifies as an advocaat under Dutch law. Instead, he is now acting as an independent legal adviser and arbitrator.

Chambers Europe: Diederik de Groot is praised by observers as “a steady, calming presence with great expertise in litigation. He has a strong grasp of the technical aspects of the case”.